As many of you know, September is National Yoga Month, established in order to celebrate the worldwide Yogi community, as well as to educate about the health benefits of yoga and inspire a healthy lifestyle. Here at Thunderbird, we adamantly believe that regular yoga practice is key to a balanced and healthy mind, body, and spirit. In order to honor this month-long celebratory event, we've decided to spotlight our Brand Ambassador Gustavo Padron, one of Austin's most active and inspiring yoga teachers, who shared with us why yoga is such an important aspect of his life.

Thunderbird: What inspires you?
GP: My students. Their effort and willingness to practice yoga and discover something new about their body, their mind and their connection to source (spirit/universe/heart). Tiny Humans also inspire me with their free spirit and their play time- they remind me to have fun and don't take myself too seriously.
Thunderbird: Describe your "AHA!" moment with yoga.
GP: My "AHA" moment came to me while in child's pose when I first started practicing yoga. The nurturing quality of this pose helped me realize that in order to heal, I must surrender and trust the process.
Thunderbird: What is your favorite yoga pose, and why?
GP: Handstand, it quickens my blood, forces me to connect to my breath, and empowers me to see things from a different angle/perspective.
Thunderbird: To you, what is the greatest reward of teaching yoga?
GP: My greatest reward in teaching yoga is seeing my students grow. I am fascinated by how many of my students have changed their lives through the power of this beautiful practice.
Thunderbird: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment of 2015?
GP: My greatest accomplishment to date has been leading an international retreat to Costa Rica and being featured in Austin Fit Magazine.
Thunderbird: If you had to walk around with a sign taped to your forehead for the rest of this month, what would it say?
GP: #findyohappy
So what are you waiting for? Check your local studios' online schedules for free classes and events, get out there, get bendy, and #findyohappy! Don't forget to replenish yourself afterwards with our Thunderbird Bar of the Month, Cashew Fig Carrot!
Gustavo is Yoga teacher living in Austin, Texas with a desire to inspire and uplift people through high-spirited classes. He is an avid runner, a Crossfit and nutrition enthusiast, and a true anatomy junkie. His passion for wellness and fitness led him to the discovery of Yoga. He incorporates the ancient teachings of Yoga and his own life experiences into vigorous and empowering flow classes. His philosophy revolves around developing a strong core- "if you develop a strong core or center of being, there will be nothing that can bend/ break you out of shape." His classes are challenging, yet accessible- they will leave you feeling accomplished, re-energized and a little sweaty! Catch him around Austin, online or check his traveling schedule!

Find AustinFit Magazine’s feature on Gustavo at Austin Fit Magazine Online!